From Iceland — Best Of Reykjavík 2014 (Photo Gallery)

Best Of Reykjavík 2014 (Photo Gallery)

Published July 22, 2014

Best Of Reykjavík 2014 (Photo Gallery)
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Once a year, we like to take a step back and celebrate our little city. It’s not that Reykjavík is a city without problems, or that it’s a place that doesn’t have plenty of ways in which it could improve. This probably goes without saying. We at Grapevine spend a lot of time being critical, after all, and by and large we’re a bunch of cynics. But once a year we like to set all that aside and appreciate the things that make Reykjavík a pretty great place to live.

As ever, our BEST OF REYKJAVÍK! issue is about big-upping stuff, giving out mad props and patting people on the shoulder. Our list is, of course, not a scientific one, and it is certainly contestable. It should be used as a starting point for a conversation; something for you to read, verify, distrust, totally disagree with, argue over, send us angry rants about and enjoy.

HOW WE DID IT: We’ve polled readers on Facebook, we’ve discussed in bars, we’ve consulted our resident experts, we’ve argued, revised, and argued some more. And we think we’ve come up with a pretty great representation of the finest that Reykjavík has to offer. Now, of course, not everyone is going to agree with our choices, and that’s perfectly fine—variety in opinion and taste adds spice to life and anyway, we love a good debate. Enjoy, and remember to send your suggestions to for consideration in our 2015 edition.

Check out our Best Of picks below in Photo Gallery form–click through the pictures and scroll down for descriptions. Also, leave us a comment letting us know what you think!

Dining and Grubbing

Drinking and Nightlife

Activities and Fun-Times

Shopping and Commerce

See Also:

Best Of Reykjavík 2014: Reykjavík Institutions

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